Is Buying A Website With Employees Or Without Better

Is Buying A Website With Employees Or Without Better?


Buying a website with employees in not always an option, especially if you are just getting started investing in websites and don’t want to put to much cash into the market right out of the gate.

The reason that buying a website with employees for those first timer investors is tough, is because generally only the bigger websites of around 50k+ come with an employee. Though in saying that there are still quite a range of businesses on the market for sale well into the 100K+ mark and above without any employees too.

This is because most online businesses don’t need a whole lot of staff to keep them running and many things within the business can be automated. Though in this post I want to be as non biased as possible whilst also covering the pros and cons of buying a website with employees as apposed to buying a website without them.

I must admit buying a website without employees is good in the sense that you don’t need to watch over their work, make sure that they are doing their job right and also helping them when things do go wrong. Another thing is having employees can allow for human error which can cause more problems within your business.

Buying a website with employees too means having extra expenses in order to cover their wages. Depending on how many employees you may have will too depend on how much time you need to spend managing them. For example, setting daily/weekly tasks to be done and deadlines for each. Communicating with them all and wearing the hat of a human resources manager, which at times is not something you may have wanted to take on board as a website owner.

Where as on the other hand, buying a website with employees is great because you can learn so much from them. For example, one of the businesses I bought a few years ago had an employee come along with the business and they taught me so much more about the business in the first year of ownership than the previous owner could ever teach me. Which I am incredibly grateful for.

The other great thing about buying a website with employees is that when there is something that needs to be done and you don’t either have the time or the skills, you can put your employee’s to the task.

As you can see buying a website with an employee really does make things easier when you are first taking over a business. It too makes running the business a lot easier with more hands than just your own.

In my opinion it is well worth buying a website with employees even if there are some slightly extra costs in wages and I need to spend some time managing them. To me and depending on the business or the amount of work you wish to choose to do, having an employee/s allows me to have a better lifestyle even if I am paying wages and spending a little time managing them.

So when it comes time for you to decide on buying a website with employees or without, be certain to have clarity on your goals/guidelines and not just what you want from the business but how you want to live your life as the owner of the business. This will help you to put forward your priorities and understand whether a business with or without employees is best.

Do you own a website with or without employees and what would you prefer, employees or not and why?

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